(from the writings of Paul)
Note: The best definition I have heard for hope is a joyful, confident, eager and earnest expectation of good based on what God has promised in His Word. “Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You caused me to hope” (Psalm 119:49, NKJV). Hope is based on the promises of the Word of God (I Thessalonians 4:13-15, Psalm 119:49, 74, 81, 114, 147, Romans 15:4).
Earnest expectation based on a word from God is hope,
for hope comes by hearing the word of God.
(I Thessalonians 4:13-15, Psalm 119:49, 74, 147)
Hope also comes by seeing, and seeing the revelation
of what God has planned for us.
(Ephesians 1:17-18)
One whose spiritual vision is flooded with hope
sees the glorious wealth of promises in Christ
for this life and the life to come.
(Ephesians 1:18)
As we believe His Word, our God of hope
fills us with hope, joy, and peace.
(Romans 15:13)
One without hope has a sorrowful heart,
but a word from God gives hope and encouragement.
(I Thessalonians 4:13-18, Psalm 119:49-50)
A stable Christian has faith that energizes,
love that works diligently, and hope that remains firm.
(I Thessalonians 1:3)
Reproach and abuse test one’s patience,
but the prudent receive hope from the promises of Scripture
and from time spent with God’s Encouraging Spirit.
(Romans 15:3-5)
Because God loves us, He gives us true hope,
lasting encouragement, and comfort, by His grace.
(II Thessalonians 2:16-17)
“I, the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation, will show you
the things freely given to you by God:
a bright vision of hope,
a rich and glorious inheritance,
and ample power for every situation.
For like the mighty strength which God used to raise Christ
from the dead, so is the overwhelming greatness
of God’s power working in and for believers.”
(Ephesians 1:17-20, 3:20, I Corinthians 2:12)
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, volume 1, Day 15, pages 44-45.