part four
Whatever is born of God overcomes the world,
and it is faith that brings us victory!
(I John 5:4-5)
The energetic, on-fire prayers of a righteous believer
are productive and accomplish much.
Yes, tremendous is the power available
to those who believe God’s Word and pray according to it.
(James 5:16b, Ephesians 1:19, Hebrews 4:12)
By faith a woman spoke her faith and acted upon her faith.
Jesus healed her, saying, “Your faith has made you whole.”
(Mark 5:25-34)
By faith two blind men asked Jesus for sight,
and by their faith they began to see!
(Matthew 9:27-30)
By his faith, a leper was healed
and he glorified God with a loud voice and gave Him thanks.
(Luke 17:12-19)
By faith, a centurion received healing for his servant,
who had been paralyzed and tormented.
(Matthew 8:5-13)
By the faith of a man and his four friends,
the man received forgiveness and a miraculous healing.
(Mark 2:1-12)
By faith a blind man persevered in calling out
to the Lord for healing and Jesus healed him,
saying, “Your faith has made you whole.”
(Mark 5:25-34)
By faith a Gentile woman worshiped Jesus
and called on Him as Lord
and received deliverance for her demon-oppressed daughter.
(Matthew 15:22-28)
By faith a synagogue ruler resisted fear
and believed in Jesus’ power to heal
and received life and health for his daughter.
(Mark 5:22-24, 35-42)
By faith in Jesus’ name a lame man was made strong
and God’s power flowed in and through him
and made him whole.
(Acts 3:16, John 15:5)
By faith, deliverance comes
and situations are turned around through prayer
and the supply of the Spirit of Christ.
(Philippians 1:19)
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, Volume 1, and from Day 81, pages 182-183.