Psalm 91:14 promises: "Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name" (NKJV). Let me encourage you today to set your love upon the Lord and believe Him to be your Refuge (Psalm 91:9). Here are some paraphrased Scriptures from the New Testament about safety and protection from our God.
The Lord delivers us out of the hands of our enemies,
so that we may serve Him without fear,
in holiness and righteousness, all the days of our lives.
(Luke 1:73-75)
The prudent watch and pray and stay spiritually alert;
they will be delivered from evil things coming on the earth.
(Luke 19:44, 21:36)
One with foresight is warned by God
of coming dangers and makes preparations to avoid them.
(Acts 27:9-26, Proverbs 22:3, Matthew 2:12-14)
The Lord rescues the faithful from their enemies
and from the power of those who hate them.
(Luke 1:68-71)
Jesus’ disciples hear His voice and follow Him;
no one can snatch them out of the Father’s hand.
(John 10:27-29)
Seeing the filthy conduct of wicked leaders
tortures the soul of the righteous.
But the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of calamities,
while simultaneously sending punishment on the wicked.
(II Peter 2:8-9, Psalm 32:10)
See those who know God’s Name
and have set their love on Him?
He keeps them safe from the evil one.
(John 17:11, 15, 26, Psalm 91:14)
The Lord is the Refuge of His anointed ones,
to protect them from being trodden under men’s feet.
(Matthew 5:13, I John 2:27, Psalm 18:50, 20:6, 28:8)
A prudent Christian foresees life-threatening danger and flees
to another location where his witness for Jesus can continue.
(Matthew 10:23, Proverbs 22:3)
Beloved, gather yourselves to Jesus,
and under His tender protective care find refuge.
For like chicks coming under the protective wings
of their mother, blessed are those who come under the wings
of light, healing, and safety of Jesus.
(Matthew 23:37, Psalm 91:4, Hebrews 13:8, Malachi 4:2)
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, volume 1, Day 53, pages 122-123.