part one (from Ephesians 6)
Are you fully dressed for victory? Are you abiding in the strength of the Lord? Let's read about it!
Be empowered in the Lord with the strength of His might,
and trust in His power, and not in your own. (v. 10)
Put on the whole armor of God
and overcome every trick and attack of the devil. (v. 10-13)
Saints of God, your real enemies are not people,
but are fallen angels and demons
who are authorities and lords of this fallen, dark world.
Therefore put on the whole armor of God and stand in faith
and victory against every deceptive suggestion of the devil. (v. 12-13)
Wear the truth of God as a belt,
for His truth can set you free
from every bondage and trap of the devil. (v. 14, John 8:31-32)
Wear the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ
on your heart; for you are free
from the accusations of the Accuser of the brethren.
(v. 14, II Corinthians 5:17, Revelation 12:11)
As a soldier stomping snakes and scorpions underfoot,
so is a Christian using his authority in Christ
to destroy the works of the devil that try to hinder him
from sharing the Good News. (v. 15, Luke 10:19)
Stay prepared to share your testimony
of the Good News with others.
(v. 15, Revelation 12:11)
As a shield, use your faith in God's truth
which protects from the attacks of the devil.
For like a shield protecting from all arrows and flaming darts,
faith in God’s truth protects from all the destructive words
and onslaughts of the devil.
(v. 16, Psalm 91:4, 64:2-4)
Speak the Word of truth in the power of God,
using God’s Word with the guidance of the Spirit.
For as a sword in the hand of a valiant warrior,
so is God’s word in the mouth of a believer.
Resist the devil firmly by quoting to him Scriptures
that dispel his temptations.
(v. 17, II Corinthians 6:7, Luke 4:1-13, Hebrews 4:12, I Peter 5:8-9)
Pray at all times with every kind of prayer
in the Holy Spirit, watching and praying
for yourself and for others. (v. 18)
And pray for your spiritual leaders to speak boldly,
clearly and freely, in declaring the Good News.
For like arrows, lances, and spears traveling great distances
and destroying the works of the enemy,
so are Holy Spirit-empowered prayers that travel distances
and destroy the works of the devil.
(v. 18-20)
Note: Watch for our next devotional, "The Whole Armor of God, part two".
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, Volume 1, from Day 28, pages 71-72.
Are you fully dressed for victory? Are you abiding in the strength of the Lord? Let's read about it!
Be empowered in the Lord with the strength of His might,
and trust in His power, and not in your own. (v. 10)
Put on the whole armor of God
and overcome every trick and attack of the devil. (v. 10-13)
Saints of God, your real enemies are not people,
but are fallen angels and demons
who are authorities and lords of this fallen, dark world.
Therefore put on the whole armor of God and stand in faith
and victory against every deceptive suggestion of the devil. (v. 12-13)
Wear the truth of God as a belt,
for His truth can set you free
from every bondage and trap of the devil. (v. 14, John 8:31-32)
Wear the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ
on your heart; for you are free
from the accusations of the Accuser of the brethren.
(v. 14, II Corinthians 5:17, Revelation 12:11)
As a soldier stomping snakes and scorpions underfoot,
so is a Christian using his authority in Christ
to destroy the works of the devil that try to hinder him
from sharing the Good News. (v. 15, Luke 10:19)
Stay prepared to share your testimony
of the Good News with others.
(v. 15, Revelation 12:11)
As a shield, use your faith in God's truth
which protects from the attacks of the devil.
For like a shield protecting from all arrows and flaming darts,
faith in God’s truth protects from all the destructive words
and onslaughts of the devil.
(v. 16, Psalm 91:4, 64:2-4)
Speak the Word of truth in the power of God,
using God’s Word with the guidance of the Spirit.
For as a sword in the hand of a valiant warrior,
so is God’s word in the mouth of a believer.
Resist the devil firmly by quoting to him Scriptures
that dispel his temptations.
(v. 17, II Corinthians 6:7, Luke 4:1-13, Hebrews 4:12, I Peter 5:8-9)
Pray at all times with every kind of prayer
in the Holy Spirit, watching and praying
for yourself and for others. (v. 18)
And pray for your spiritual leaders to speak boldly,
clearly and freely, in declaring the Good News.
For like arrows, lances, and spears traveling great distances
and destroying the works of the enemy,
so are Holy Spirit-empowered prayers that travel distances
and destroy the works of the devil.
(v. 18-20)
Note: Watch for our next devotional, "The Whole Armor of God, part two".
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, Volume 1, from Day 28, pages 71-72.