#22: THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, part two
(from the writings of John)
Note: God’s truth is the absolutely reliable, dependable, faithful, correct, important, and experiential revelation knowledge of God and of spiritual things. It is not limited to spiritual things, for the Spirit of Truth teaches us all that we need to know about all things (I John 2:27).
One in union with Jesus Christ knows the true God
and has eternal life.
But whoever does not have the Son of God
does not have the life of God.
(John 17:3, 14:6, I John 5:11-12, 20)
Light reveals the way things really are,
for it shows up what is good and what is evil.
Therefore evil people prefer the darkness
and hate the light of the truth.
But those who practice truth come to the Light,
so that their deeds, done in obedience to God,
may be clearly seen.
(John 3:19-21, Acts 10:1-48, 19:23-29, Ephesians 5:13)
Those who are of God hear God’s words,
for they are of the truth and are willing to do God’s will.
(John 8:47, 7:17, 3:19-21, 18:37, Proverbs 1:23)
The life of God gives light and understanding,
but the understanding of one separated
from God’s life is darkened.
(John 1:4, Ephesians 4:18)
Religious traditions of men influence people to reject the truth,
but living in the truth brings freedom.
(John 8:13, 31-32, Mark 7:5-13)
Continue to receive truth and shun deception
and you will experience new growth and freedom.
But those who follow deceivers will be shaken.
(John 8:31-32, Ephesians 4:14-16, I Peter 2:2, II Timothy 2:15)
Receiving revelation from God is like tasting the best honey.
But the experience turns bitter
when the hearers reject God’s truth.
Still, a faithful servant of God delivers God’s word
when and where the Holy Spirit leads him.
(Revelation 10:9-11, Ezekiel 3:1-14)
Hear Jesus’ words and believe on the Father who sent Him.
For whoever rejects the Son of God will die in his sins,
but whoever follows Jesus will have the light of life.
(John 5:24, 8:24, 12, I John 5:10-12)
The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one,
but the Son of God has come
and given us understanding about the True God.
(I John 5:19-20, John 12:46)
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, Volume 1, from Day 14, pages 42-43.