When a King and a Prophet agreed together in Prayer,
part one
There have been several Globalist movements throughout the history of mankind. These were movements which sought to destroy the national identity and sovereignty of all other nations and to establish a one world government with one required culture and no freedom of religion. Such threats to nations usually have resulted in war. If the free nation won, it kept its freedom. If it lost, it and its people went into bondage.
In 190 BC, Judea had been a sovereign nation, but the Greeks had aspirations of taking over the whole world. The Greeks then joined forces with the Syrians for the purpose of establishing a universal order with one culture and one religion and no more nationalism. They wanted no more of what we would call “Patriotism”. The Greeks of that era ruled out freedom of speech and they opposed independent thought.
In Judea, the Jews had enemies within as well as enemies without as some Jews welcomed the culture and dominance of the Greeks and others stood against the trans-nationalists and one world government. You can read the long account of it in I and II Maccabees. In the end, with the help of God, the Jewish patriots fought for and won their independence and restored their temple. As they were ready to light the menorah, they knew that it required rare purified oil. But they only had enough oil for one night. However, supernaturally, the oil continued to burn for 8 days! Another sign that God was their Helper.
Going back several centuries, there was another superpower nation that had aspirations of taking over the whole world. By 740 BC the Assyrians were close to accomplishing their goal to destroy the national identity and sovereignty of all other nations and to establish a one world government. And Assyria’s leaders had absolutely no fear of Jehovah, the God who created the heavens and the earth.
During the sixth year of Hezekiah’s reign in Judah (the southern kingdom) and during the ninth year of king Hosea’s rule in Israel (the northern kingdom), Israel was conquered by the Assyrians. The prophet Isaiah had prophesied that this would happen because of the drunkenness and pride of Israel (Isaiah 28:1-4, 7).
Hosea, a prophet of that day, also prophesied of judgement coming upon Israel because of their rampant sexual immorality and idolatry. Listen to his description of Samaria (Israel) during his days: “There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land. By swearing and lying, killing and stealing and committing adultery, they break all restraint, with bloodshed upon bloodshed” (Hosea 4:1b-2, NKJV).
King Hosea of Samaria (he had the same name as Hosea the prophet) was a king who did what was evil in the Lord’s sight (II Kings 17:1-2). He and the people of Israel walked in idolatry and rebellion. On the other hand, Judah, under Hezekiah, cleaned up the temple and resumed blood sacrifices, and even kept the Passover. King Hezekiah and the people of Judah were not perfect, but they repented, tearing down the altars to false gods and they began to serve the Lord His way, and their sins were covered by God’s required sacrificial offerings (II Chronicles 29-31).
Today many (but not the majority) in our nation have repented and found forgiveness of sins through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Those with faith in Him are made righteous through what Jesus accomplished for us through His death and resurrection. By His blood our sins are washed away. Also a good number of our leaders (but not the majority) are sincere Christians, seeking to live for Jesus. And Christians around the world are joining us in prayer for God to save our nation from her enemies who want to destroy her and force us all into an ungodly, corrupt one world government.
We desperately need a new spiritual awakening in our nation. We do cry out to God for His mercy. And we are trusting God to save our nation. At this time, I believe we resemble Judah under Hezekiah, whom God saved out of the hand of the enemy more than we resemble Samaria under evil king Hosea, that was conquered by Assyria. What else did Hezekiah do to save his nation from Assyrian take-over? Soon I will publish Part Two of this article!