Nothing can separate us from Christ’s love.
Therefore we continually and gloriously conquer through Him.
(Romans 8:35-38)
That which is born of God overcomes
the evil of this fallen world,
and this is what gives us victory – even our faith.
(I John 5:4-5, Galatians 1:3-4)
Some trust in the power and might of man,
but a victorious Christian is strong in the Holy Spirit –
in His power and might.
(Ephesians 6:10, Zechariah 4:6)
Some are subject to the bondage of fear
all of their lives.
But the righteous are delivered from fear and death,
because the Lord Jesus defeated the devil,
who has the power of death.
(Hebrews 2:14-15)
The Son of God, who is righteous,
came to undo and to destroy the works of the devil.
As His true light manifests,
the works of darkness dissipate.
(I John 3:8, John 1:9, 12:32)
Greater is the Son of God in the believer
than any evil that is in the world.
(I John 4:4)
Greater is the kingdom of God that is in the believer
than the kingdom of darkness in the world.
(I John 4:4, Luke 17:21)
Like a lion prowling, roaring, and looking for someone
to kill and eat, the devil searches for Christians who
are proud, not alert, and always focused on the cares of life,
so that he can steal, kill, and destroy in their lives.
But those who are alert, watchful, and submitted to God
resist the devil with firm faith and make him run from them.
(I Peter 5:5-9, James 4:6-8, John 10:10)
Those who continue to follow Jesus are called,
chosen and faithful.
Even as He overcame all enemies, they overcome with Him.
(Revelation 17:14)
Those who fill their hearts with God’s Word are strong;
they have power to overcome the wicked one!
(I John 2:13-14)
Look into the mirror of God’s Word
and see the image of yourself that His Word gives you –
a righteous conqueror in Christ!
(James 1:22-25, Romans 8:37, II Corinthians 5:21)
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, Volume 1, from Day 22, pages 59-60.