Like the sun dawning from on high,
the Messiah has come to give us light
and to guide our feet in the way of peace.
(Luke 1:77-79, 2:30-32, Matthew 4:13-16)
The world gives a temporary and fragile peace,
but Jesus offers a continual and eternal peace.
(John 14:1, 27, Romans 5:1, I Thessalonians 5:3)
Like a peaceful dove descending from heaven,
the Holy Spirit of peace descends on the righteous,
filling us with God’s peace.
(Luke 3:22, 4:1, James 3:17-18, Psalm 85:10, 37:37)
The way of righteousness is inward peace
and purity and a good conscience towards God.
For we believers are made spiritually clean
through faith in Christ and His resurrection.
(I Peter 3:21, Romans 5:1, Hebrews 10:14-22)
A prudent Christian pursues holiness
and seeks peace with all people.
(Hebrews 12:14)
Blessed are those who maintain perfect peace
and confidence in Jesus Christ.
Their faith will overcome the world’s opposition.
(John 16:33, I John 5:4-5)
Peacemakers plant seeds of peace and work for peace
and they end up with a harvest of righteousness.
And those who walk in God’s wisdom continually spread
righteousness and peace to others.
(James 3:18)
Better to receive strong and lasting peace from Jesus,
the Prince of Peace, than to look to the world for peace
and receive fear and stress.
(John 14:1, 27, Isaiah 9:6)
By continually planting good words in peace
you will produce a harvest of righteousness.
(James 3:17-18)
The chastisement that Jesus received paid the price
to give us peace and harmony with God.
(Ephesians 2:13-17, Romans 5:1, Colossians 1:19-20, Isaiah 53:5, 57:19)
The world’s wisdom leads to strife, self-centeredness,
pride, and jealousy.
But along the path of God’s wisdom is peace,
pleasantness, and life.
(James 3:14-18, 4:1-2, Proverbs 3:17)
Whoever trusts in Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will have
an everlasting peace that the world cannot take away.
(John 14:1, 27, Isaiah 9:6)
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, Volume 1, from Day 18, pages 51-52.