(from Romans)
Believe and receive God’s promise by faith,
for the promise is yours by grace. (4:16, 5:2)
One who is strong in faith gives glory and praise to God,
for he is fully persuaded that God is able to perform
what He promised. (4:20-21)
Are you going through afflictions?
Focus on the Word of God which will keep your faith strong,
and not on contrary circumstances. (4:18-20)
A rich inheritance of grace and gifts of love go to
those who walk in the faith of Abraham. (4:16)
Whoever follows in the steps of the faith of Abraham
will inherit good things in the earth. (4:12-13, 16-18)
A faithful servant of God doesn’t consider
seemingly hopeless situations,
but focuses on what God has promised him. (4:18-21)
Whatever you do, do at the level of faith you are now on,
for whatever is not of faith is sin. (12:6, 14:23)
Even when things look hopeless,
a steadfast Christian still glorifies God
and believes that he can do what God said he can do. (4:18-21)
He who follows in the steps of Abraham puts his faith in God,
Who brings the dead to life
and calls into being things that do not yet exist. (4:12-21)
One strong in faith does not waver in doubt about
God’s promises, but remains convinced
that God is willing and able to do all He promised. (4:20-21)
The just live by faith, for the lifestyle of a just person
is a lifestyle of faith. (1:17, Galatians 2:20, 3:11, Hebrews 10:38)
Beloved, don’t be influenced by the unbelief of others,
but fully trust in the faithfulness of God.
For God’s words are true,
no matter how forcefully unbelievers lie against them. (3:3-4)
The Holy Spirit helps us in our shortcomings.
For He teaches and enables us who love God to pray effectively,
even according to the perfect will of God.
(8:26-27, I John 5:14-15)
God was generous enough to give us His only Son and
He is generous enough to give us every other good blessing!
(8:32, Psalm 84:11)
Along the pathway of the just, faith progresses to greater faith,
spiritual light grows brighter,
and glory increases to greater glory.
(1:17, Proverbs 4:18, II Corinthians 3:18)
Note: this devotional is from Proverbs of Faith, Hope, and Love, volume 1, Day 58, pages 132-133.