Comment: The following poem is a paraphrase of Scripture passages, taken mainly from the book of Revelation. It is about the last great battle between good and evil. It has already been determined who is going to win. Let’s do what we can to persuade others to get on the right side.
The saints in heaven sing and glorify
the Lord, and a voice then prophesies,
“Praise our God, all you His servants
and those who fear Him, both small and great!”
The sound of a great multitude proclaims:
“Alleluia! For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns!
Let us shout for joy and be glad, and give glory to Him,
for the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and the Bride has made herself ready!”
Then it was granted unto Christ’s wife
to be arrayed in dazzlingly linen, clean and bright,
for the shining linen, brilliant and white,
is the righteousness of the saints.
Then a messenger angel says to John,
“Blessed are those who are called and invited
to the marriage of God’s Son!”
Meanwhile on earth the Beast moves to strike,
gathering up his arms and all of his might
to make war against the King, the Lord Jesus Christ,
and against His army of white horse knights,
clothed in fine linen, clean and white.
Who would be so foolish as to war against the Most High?
Yet, spirits like frogs from the dragon, false prophet, and Beast,
come out of mouths and go forth to deceive
those who, the gospel would not receive.
Evil spirits work signs to convince the minds
of all followers of the Beast.
Then to the battlefield, with blinded minds,
they rush in fury at the end of time.
The false miracle-working prophet, that prophet of sin
prophesies to them that they will win.
Against the Lamb they direct weapons of war
thinking to destroy the Lord of Lords,
Who now descends from heaven upon a white horse
in righteousness judging and confronting in war.
He descends, Who is Faithful and True.
In righteousness He works justice and removes
the wicked from the earth, as with them He makes war.
Out of His mouth proceeds a two-edged sword.
The armies of heaven, clothed in fine linen clean,
follow Him on white horses to the scene.
A multitude of white horse knights
return with the Lord, courageously moved at the sight
of the Lamb as He descends to engage in the fight.
The Lord, clothed in a blood-drenched robe
rides His white horse to the sin-ridden globe.
On His robe is written a Name:
“King of Kings and Lord of Lords”; forever the same.
His eyes are like flames of fire
and many crowns are upon His head.
He is full of zeal for the Father’s desire.
He judges the living and the dead.
With His sword He strikes the hateful
and with His feet He treads the spiteful
in the winepress of the wrath of God.
for He shall rule the nations with a rod.
An angel watches from the altar in the temple
and cries to the angel with a large sickle to reap,
“It is time for the wicked, God’s wrath to meet!
Thrust your sickle into the vine of the earth;
each one must receive what he deserves.”
Christ speaks the word as He descends
and His sharp sword overcomes the man of sin.
The angel thrusts his sickle into the earth
and throws the clusters of the earth’s vine
into the great winepress of God’s wrath
upon those who have willingly transgressed.
As God’s sword slays, the blood runs high
and bodies make a feast for the birds of the sky.
Even as the waters came above the horses’ bridles
causing all of Pharaoh’s army to drown,
blood rises up to the horses bridles
while all the Beast’s forces come down.
The blood runs high like the waters of the Red Sea
that engulfed that ancient enemy.
Then the Beast (made up of seven evil princes)
is captured and cast alive into a fiery lake,
and with those seven fallen angels, God also takes
the false prophet spirit, and throws him into the fire.
Now they must pay, for against God they conspired.
The Lamb of God will overcome them.
For Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings.
And the overcomers who are with Him
are called and chosen and faithful.
Then one strong angel, with a chain in his hand,
descends and seizes the devil, at God’s command
and binds and drags him into the bottomless pit,
locking him up in a dreary, dismal place
for a thousand years to suffer disgrace.
The door is shut, locked and sealed over him -
a gloomy prison, grievous, grave and grim.
Then the saints reign with Christ for a thousand years -
days of paradise, gladness and cheer.
Those who suffered with Him, now with Him reign
in glorified bodies, liken unto their King.
(Copyright 2018 by Stephen G. Long. Poem is based on the following Scriptures: Revelation 19:5-21, Luke 17:26-36,
Matthew 24:37-42, Revelation 16:12-16, Isaiah 63:1-6, Revelation 14:18-20, 17:14, 20:1-6.)
The saints in heaven sing and glorify
the Lord, and a voice then prophesies,
“Praise our God, all you His servants
and those who fear Him, both small and great!”
The sound of a great multitude proclaims:
“Alleluia! For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns!
Let us shout for joy and be glad, and give glory to Him,
for the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and the Bride has made herself ready!”
Then it was granted unto Christ’s wife
to be arrayed in dazzlingly linen, clean and bright,
for the shining linen, brilliant and white,
is the righteousness of the saints.
Then a messenger angel says to John,
“Blessed are those who are called and invited
to the marriage of God’s Son!”
Meanwhile on earth the Beast moves to strike,
gathering up his arms and all of his might
to make war against the King, the Lord Jesus Christ,
and against His army of white horse knights,
clothed in fine linen, clean and white.
Who would be so foolish as to war against the Most High?
Yet, spirits like frogs from the dragon, false prophet, and Beast,
come out of mouths and go forth to deceive
those who, the gospel would not receive.
Evil spirits work signs to convince the minds
of all followers of the Beast.
Then to the battlefield, with blinded minds,
they rush in fury at the end of time.
The false miracle-working prophet, that prophet of sin
prophesies to them that they will win.
Against the Lamb they direct weapons of war
thinking to destroy the Lord of Lords,
Who now descends from heaven upon a white horse
in righteousness judging and confronting in war.
He descends, Who is Faithful and True.
In righteousness He works justice and removes
the wicked from the earth, as with them He makes war.
Out of His mouth proceeds a two-edged sword.
The armies of heaven, clothed in fine linen clean,
follow Him on white horses to the scene.
A multitude of white horse knights
return with the Lord, courageously moved at the sight
of the Lamb as He descends to engage in the fight.
The Lord, clothed in a blood-drenched robe
rides His white horse to the sin-ridden globe.
On His robe is written a Name:
“King of Kings and Lord of Lords”; forever the same.
His eyes are like flames of fire
and many crowns are upon His head.
He is full of zeal for the Father’s desire.
He judges the living and the dead.
With His sword He strikes the hateful
and with His feet He treads the spiteful
in the winepress of the wrath of God.
for He shall rule the nations with a rod.
An angel watches from the altar in the temple
and cries to the angel with a large sickle to reap,
“It is time for the wicked, God’s wrath to meet!
Thrust your sickle into the vine of the earth;
each one must receive what he deserves.”
Christ speaks the word as He descends
and His sharp sword overcomes the man of sin.
The angel thrusts his sickle into the earth
and throws the clusters of the earth’s vine
into the great winepress of God’s wrath
upon those who have willingly transgressed.
As God’s sword slays, the blood runs high
and bodies make a feast for the birds of the sky.
Even as the waters came above the horses’ bridles
causing all of Pharaoh’s army to drown,
blood rises up to the horses bridles
while all the Beast’s forces come down.
The blood runs high like the waters of the Red Sea
that engulfed that ancient enemy.
Then the Beast (made up of seven evil princes)
is captured and cast alive into a fiery lake,
and with those seven fallen angels, God also takes
the false prophet spirit, and throws him into the fire.
Now they must pay, for against God they conspired.
The Lamb of God will overcome them.
For Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings.
And the overcomers who are with Him
are called and chosen and faithful.
Then one strong angel, with a chain in his hand,
descends and seizes the devil, at God’s command
and binds and drags him into the bottomless pit,
locking him up in a dreary, dismal place
for a thousand years to suffer disgrace.
The door is shut, locked and sealed over him -
a gloomy prison, grievous, grave and grim.
Then the saints reign with Christ for a thousand years -
days of paradise, gladness and cheer.
Those who suffered with Him, now with Him reign
in glorified bodies, liken unto their King.
(Copyright 2018 by Stephen G. Long. Poem is based on the following Scriptures: Revelation 19:5-21, Luke 17:26-36,
Matthew 24:37-42, Revelation 16:12-16, Isaiah 63:1-6, Revelation 14:18-20, 17:14, 20:1-6.)